how to maintain figure – Do these 5 exercises to maintain figure: Be it a woman or a man, everyone loves their body and they are always worried about how to maintain or maintain their figure, especially this The problem that bothers women more because before marriage they have to maintain their figure so that they get a good husband or no boy likes them because of their body and after marriage when Y is pregnant. Her figure starts deteriorating and she wants to maintain the same figure as before, just following the tips and exercises given below, your figure will also be correct.

Do these 5 exercises to maintain figure (5 exercises kare figure maintain):


For weight loss and figure maintenance, it is most important that your diet should be right, without fixing the diet, you cannot maintain your weight or your figure. The following diet is given which is only for you, you must try it


ये 5 एक्सरसाइज करे फिगर मेंटेन (5 exercises kare figure maintain):

It can bring sparkle to your eyes. But just 100 or 200 skips is not enough to lose weight. For this at least 1000 to 2000 skips have to be done in a day. Only then can you get help in weight loss.

2 Side-Lunges and Squats

side lunges

If you really want to get in shape, you can’t leave your legs alone. Cardio is one thing that will burn fat. But exercises like squats and lunges will help you tighten that body and make it look super sexy.

So if you’re doing body-weight squats, you need 50 reps and 5 sets to make it count. If you are weight training, you can choose your sets according to the weight you are lifting.

3 stretching

योगा स्ट्रेचिंग
योगा स्ट्रेचिंग

Love it or hate it, but you can’t afford to skip it! Doing this as a pre-workout will help improve your performance by increasing your range. When you do these stretches after a workout, you’ll burn more calories and be less prone to injury.

4. Plank

By doing plank exercise, your abdominal muscles get strengthened. If you do this exercise for 45 seconds daily, then you will start seeing its effect in a few weeks.

5. push-ups


Do push-ups daily to strengthen the chest, shoulders and spine. This is a very normal exercise that you can easily do anytime and anywhere. It also cures respiratory diseases.

Do these 5 exercises to maintain figure (5 exercises kare figure maintain):

Many women stop eating and drinking to keep the figure fit, thinking that eating more leads to obesity, but it is not so, eating green vegetables and fruits to keep the figure fit keeps the figure fit. But don’t consume oil things at all like – don’t consume pizza, burger, pasta, chowmein, samosa kachori etc.

Everyone wants his body to be tight and fit. But to keep our body fit, it is very important to take good care of it, so we are going to tell you some such exercises, by doing which your body will be fit and fit. To keep our body fit, first of all we have to improve our diet, we have to eat postic things so that our body will be healthy.

We have to include green vegetables and fruits in our diet. Exercise daily to stay fit. Sleep well to stay fit. To stay fit, we should include roti dal in our diet because such nutrients are found in it which keep our body fit. We should not eat outside food. And when we are hungry, we should eat a little less than that, it does not increase our obesity.

also read : प्रेगनेंसी में क्या खाये क्या नहीं खाये (Pregnancy Diat Plan)

How can I lose weight in 6 days fast

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