Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Properties and benefits of Shankhpushpi
Properties and benefits of Shankhpushpi

Shankhpushpi is an ancient Ayurvedic herb that is used to treat various medical problems. It is considered useful for increasing brain power, giving peace to the mind, enhancing concentration, and improving memory. Following are some of the main benefits of Shankhapushpi:

Provides freshness to the brain: Shankhapushpi helps in providing freshness and consciousness by improving brain functions.
Reducing mental stress: Its consumption helps in reducing stress and giving peace to the mind.
Enhances memory: Consumption of Shankhapushpi strengthens memory and enhances memory.
Solution to sleep problems: Consumption of Shankhapushpi can help in sleeping and provide relief from insomnia.
Relieves the symptoms of stress: It can help reduce the symptoms of stress such as mental anxiety, depression etc.
Providing energy to the body: Consumption of Shankhapushpi can provide energy and activity to the body.
Please note that the benefits listed here are for general information only and it would be best to consult your doctor for any medical issues. It is advisable to consult a physician before consuming it, especially during pregnancy, diabetes, or any other medical condition.

Properties and benefits of Shankhpushpi
Properties and benefits of Shankhpushpi

Benefits of Shankhapushpi –

Shankhapushpi is a plant. It is called Shankhapushpi because of its conch-shaped white flowers. It is also called Ksheerapushpa, ‘Mangalya Kusuma’. It is found wild in rocky soils all over India.

Properties and benefits of Shankhpushpi Jaggery and benefits

Helpful in improving memory

In Ayurveda, Shankhapushpi has been given the status of nerve tonic. The reason for this is that elements like terpenoids, flavonol glycosides, anthocyanins and steroids are found in it. Along with other medicinal properties, these elements can also prove helpful in brain development and improving memory. For this reason, the use of Shankhapushpi can prove beneficial in the problem of weak memory.

Relieve weakness

The benefits of Shankhapushpi can be seen in removing mental weakness as well as physical weakness. In fact, in this regard, research conducted on blood sugar patients found that people who consumed Shankhapushpi were not only found mentally strong but also saw a lot of improvement physically (2). On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that regular consumption of Shankhapushpi can also prove helpful in removing physical weakness.

Mental sensitivity

Mental hypersensitivity is a state of mind in which a person does not have balance in his emotions. Because of this, he becomes emotional over small things. Many types of good and bad thoughts start coming into the mind of the victim regarding the present and future, which come in the form of anger, depression and anxiety. In this regard, research conducted on patients suffering from blood sugar problems found that the use of Shankhapushpi works to prevent excessive sentimentality and emotions in humans (2). For this reason, it can be assumed that the benefits of Shankhapushpi can be seen in getting rid of the problem of mental hypersensitivity.

Treat depression

Shankhapushpi can also be used to overcome the problem of depression. Research conducted on Shankhapushpi has found that its use can give beneficial results in disorders like anxiety, sadness, fear and depression. For this reason, it can be believed that it can prove to be a better option to overcome the problem of depression.

How is Shankhapushpi drunk?

You should drink 2-4 grams of Shankhapushpi powder with butter or water in the morning and evening. You will see that diabetes comes under control with its regular consumption. Shankhapushpi is also considered very good for hair. With its use, hair gets to shine and hair also starts growing.

Where can you find the Shankhapushpi plant?

Shankhapushpi is cultivated more in North and South East India. Presently it is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines. The Shankhapushpi plant is about one to one and a half feet tall. On which red, white and blue flowers bloom like blood.

How to make Shankhapushpi powder?

Make the powder by taking Shankhpushpi, Vacha and Brahmi in equal quantities. Giving this powder in the quantity of 3 grams three times a day provides relief from dysentery, hysteria and hysteria. Dry 1 kg Shankhapushpi and 2 kg sugar in shade, grind and filter it.

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