Surya Namaskar is the best process in Yogasanas. This practice alone is capable of giving the seeker the benefits of the entire yoga exercise. By its practice, the body of the seeker becomes disease-free and healthy and becomes bright.

How to do Surya Namaskar?
Surya Namaskar is practised in twelve positions, which are as follows-
(1) Stand straight by joining both hands. Close your eyes. By concentrating on the ‘Agya Chakra’, invoke the ‘Sun God’ through the mantra ‘Om Mitray Namah’.
(2) While inhaling, stretch both hands upwards by touching the ears and bend the arms and neck backwards. Focus the attention on the ‘Vishuddhi Chakra’ at the back of the neck.
(3) While exhaling slowly in the third position, bend forward. Hands go down along the neck, adjacent to the ears and touch the earth on the left and right sides of the feet. Keep knees straight. Keeping the forehead touching the knees, focusing on the ‘Manipurak Chakra’ behind the navel, stay in this position for a few moments. Sadhaks with back and spine defects should not do it.
(4) While inhaling in this position, move the left leg backwards. Pull the chest and stretch it forward. Tilt the neck more backward. Legs stretched straight back and feet raised. Stay in this position for some time. Take the meditation to ‘Swadhishthan’ or ‘Vishuddhi Chakra’. Keep the countenance normal.
(5) While exhaling slowly, take the right leg back as well. The heels of both feet should be together. Stretch the body backwards and try to touch the ankles to the earth. Raise the buttocks as high as possible. Bending the neck down, apply the chin to the groin. Practice focusing on the ‘Sahasrar Chakra’.
(6) While inhaling, prostrate the body parallel to the earth, in straight prostration and first put the knees, chest and forehead on the earth. Raise the buttocks slightly. Exhale. Keep the meditation focused on the ‘Anahat Chakra’. Normalize the speed of breathing. Suryanamaskar and breathing
(7) In this position, while inhaling slowly, pull the chest forward and straighten the hands. Take the neck backwards. Keep the knees touching the ground and the toes of the feet standing. Pulling the Muladhara, fix the meditation there.
(8) While exhaling slowly, take the right leg back as well. The heels of both feet should be together. Stretch the body backwards and try to touch the ankles to the earth. Raise the buttocks as high as possible. Bending the neck down, apply the chin to the groin. Practice focusing on the ‘Sahasrar Chakra’.
(9) While inhaling in this position, move the left leg backwards. Pull the chest and stretch it forward. Tilt the neck more backward. Legs stretched straight back and feet raised. Stay in this position for some time. Take the meditation to ‘Swadhishthan’ or ‘Vishuddhi Chakra’. Keep the countenance normal.
(10) While exhaling slowly in the third position, bend forward. Hands go down along the neck, adjacent to the ears and touch the earth on the left and right sides of the feet. Keep knees straight. Keeping the forehead touching the knees, focusing on the ‘Manipurak Chakra’ behind the navel, stay in this position for a few moments. Sadhaks with back and spine defects should not do it.
(11) While inhaling, stretch both hands upwards by touching the ears and bend the arms and neck backwards. Focus the attention on the ‘Vishuddhi Chakra’ at the back of the neck.
(12) This position – will remain like the first position.

सूर्य नमस्कार क्यों करें ?
सूर्य नमस्कार की बारह स्थितियाँ हमारे शरीर को संपूर्ण अंगों की विकृतियों को दूर करके निरोग बना देती हैं। इसके अभ्यासी के हाथों-पैरों के दर्द दूर होकर उनमें सबलता आ जाती है। गर्दन, फेफड़े तथा पसलियों की मांसपेशियां सशक्त हो जाती हैं, शरीर की फालतू चर्बी कम होकर शरीर हल्का-फुल्का हो जाता है।
सूर्य नमस्कार के फायदे क्या क्या हैं ?
सूर्य नमस्कार के द्वारा त्वचा रोग समाप्त हो जाते हैं अथवा इनके होने की संभावना समाप्त हो जाती है। इस अभ्यास से कब्ज आदि उदर रोग समाप्त हो जाते हैं और पाचनतंत्र की क्रियाशीलता में वृद्धि हो जाती है। इस अभ्यास के द्वारा हमारे शरीर की छोटी-बड़ी सभी नस-नाड़ियां क्रियाशील हो जाती हैं, इसलिए आलस्य, अतिनिद्रा आदि विकार दूर हो जाते हैं।
सूर्य नमस्कार किन्हें नहीं करनी चाहिए ?
सूर्य नमस्कार की तीसरी व पांचवीं स्थितियां सर्वाइकल एवं स्लिप डिस्क वाले रोगियों के लिए वर्जित हैं।