Treatment Of Helminths

  1. Before treating intestinal worms, by feeding a little jaggery and consuming the powder of Khorasani Ajwain with water, intestinal worms get eliminated with defecation.
  2. By extracting the juice of soft neem leaves and consuming it with honey, the worms are destroyed quickly. Taking one tablet of deworming juice in the morning with Triphala powder and water cures helminthic, gastric, mucous and typhus diseases.
  3. For a patient suffering from worms, taking 3 grams of Hingwash powder and 1 gram of Vyvidang powder with water after meals is very beneficial. 1 to 3 mg according to the health of worm Mudgar Ras disease. Taking decoction of Nagarmotha and juice of Mushkarni in sufficient quantity in the morning and evening cures all types of helminthic diseases.
  4. Taking one tablet of Kalanal juice in the morning with a decoction of black cumin and coriander destroys the worms present in the stomach. It is an effective medicine for piles, gout, spleen and inflammation.
  5. Intestinal worms are destroyed by grinding Mushakarni leaves, mixing them with yaw flour, making puris and feeding them kanji.
  6. Licking the juice of Palash seeds with honey destroys worms. Making a paste of Palash seeds and drinking it with whey also destroys worms.
  7. All types of worms are destroyed by taking one tablet of Worm Ax juice in the morning along with Satyanashi (Swarnakshiri) juice Ajwain extract or Neem leaves decoction.
  8. Take Palash seeds, Indrayav, Byvidang, Neem bark, and Chirayata in equal quantities and grind them to make a fine powder. This powder is called Palash Bijadi powder. Consuming 2 grams of powder in the morning and 2 grams in the evening with lukewarm water destroys worms in two weeks. This powder is also effective in helminthic diarrhoea.
  9. Bidangarist 20 ml. Worms are destroyed by mixing this amount of water and drinking it after meals.

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