Vata-Kapha fever occurs as a result of weather changes and carelessness in the diet. This fever usually progresses slowly. In this, the patient feels quite restless. Saliva starts dripping from the mouth. He cannot digest food properly.

Treatment Of Rheumatic Fever
- Making and drinking a decoction of Chhoti Peepal helps in curing vata-phlegm and fever. This decoction also cures spleen and other fever disorders.
- Fever: Consuming one tablet of Lakshmi Vilas juice in the morning and one tablet in the evening mixed with ginger juice and honey helps in reducing fever and cough.
- Mrityanjaya Ras 125 mg. Consuming it mixed with honey destroys Vata Kapha fever. Should be consumed twice in the morning and evening.
- Make a decoction by taking 10 grams each of Nagarmotha, Sotham and Chirayata. Vata-Kapha fever is destroyed by the use of this decoction.
- Kasturi Bhairav Ras 125 mg. Consuming this quantity with the juice of betel leaves in the morning and evening cures vata-kapha fever.
- Take 5 grams each of Amaltas pulp, Pipramool, Nagarmotha, Kutki and Badi Harad and make a decoction in 350 grams of water.
- Vata-Kapha fever is destroyed by drinking 50 grams. The said Argvadhadi Kwath also destroys mangoes and colic.
- Dashmool decoction – By making a decoction of ten medicines like Bel, Padhal, Arlu Shalaparni, Prishniparni, Gambhari, Arani, Chhoti Kateri, Badi Kateri and Gokhru etc. and drinking it, along with Vata-Kapha fever, the disorders like colic, breathing, kaas (cough) etc. get cured. Is. By giving this decoction to women after delivery, the uterus becomes completely clean.
- Consuming 3 grams of copper bark with water in the morning and evening cures vata-kapha fever. Even in case of typhus, copper bark should be used along with ginger juice.