Permanent treatment of mouth odour – Bad breath can become a serious problem, but some simple measures can prevent bad breath. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that grow in the mouth and cause bad breath. If you do not brush regularly, the food trapped between the mouth and the teeth creates bacteria. The sulfur, a compound excreted by these bacteria, is what causes your breath to smell bad.
treatment of halitosis
- Anytime once a day, mix half a teaspoon of ground white salt in two teaspoons of mustard oil, keep it in the mouth, keep rotating it here and there and keep spitting. Spit everything out after half an hour. After a while, the mouth becomes clean by itself.
- Mixing one teaspoon of ginger juice and one teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water and gargling it removes bad breath.
- Dry the peels of pomegranate in the shade and grind them finely. It should be eaten in the morning and evening with water in the quantity of 3-3 grams and the peel of this pomegranate should be boiled in water and gargled with that water. This will remove the odour of the mouth.
- By chewing multi or small cardamom, the bad smell in the mouth goes away. The bad smell in the mouth can be removed by chewing dry coriander, the smell of onion and garlic is also removed by chewing coriander.
- Chewing fennel after meals removes bad breath. To get rid of bad breath, mix an equal amount of potassium permanganate mustard seeds in a glass of water twice a day and rinse and gargle with this water.
- To get rid of mouth odour and blisters, boil pomegranate bark in water and keep that water in the mouth for a while and gargle.
- Take full care of the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth, so that there is no foul smell in the mouth, it is best to do neem or acacia teeth in the morning. Teeth become healthy, healthy and strong with Datun. If the mouth is clean then there is no foul smell from the mouth and breath.
- Placing green leaves of Jamun or green leaves of Basil in the mouth and chewing it like a betel leaf provides relief from oral diseases. It also removes bad breath.