Hair Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff is a type of fungus and infection in hair. This is often more common in greasy oily scalps. There is itching in the head and white particles start falling out.

Hair Dandruff Treatment

  1. Keep 500 grams of coconut oil mixed with four grams of camphor. After the bath, rub it on the roots of the hair after it dries. Within two to three days, dandruff will start getting cleared. If there is dryness in the head, then before taking a bath, mix a little mustard oil in curd and rub it on the head, it will go away.
  2. Soak two spoons of Triphala powder in 200 grams of water overnight.
  3. Apply it on the roots of the head in the morning. After half an hour, add a little lemon juice to warm water and wash your hair. Apply oil on it when it dries. Almond oil, grapes especially raisins are very beneficial for this type of patient. The patient should drink fruit juice in sufficient quantity.
  4. If normal medicated shampoo does not remove dandruff then you can wash your head with a stronger shampoo. But they should not be used excessively.
  5. Soak fine pieces of reetha in water at night. Boil it in the morning and when it cools down, rub it thoroughly on the head before bathing. Dandruff will go away.

Here we have suggested many effective remedies for the treatment of dandruff, which remedy do you like the most, please send it to us by writing in the comment below.

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