
Like different parts of the body, among the many diseases of the throat, tonsillitis is also a major disease. It is known as Sirofula in the medical language and Jannajir in Greek. Due to this disease, the cervical glands swell and become like garlands. For this reason, it got the name Mumps. When these glands become inflamed, followed by mild fever, pain and aching in the glands and the glands ripen, then they can be removed only through operation. In this way, this process happens continuously and continues until the man becomes weak and dies. According to doctors, this disease is closely related to tuberculosis and this disease itself is the cause of the germs of tuberculosis. The obvious reason is that the germs of tuberculosis and mumps are the same. Therefore it is counted among incurable diseases. Ayurvedic medical science considers it painful. The combinations of herbs for its treatment are mentioned below.

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