causes of liver inflammation

Liver swelling. The liver is our main organ which processes nutrients, filters blood and fights infection. When the liver becomes inflamed, it can affect the liver. Alcohol abuse, toxins, certain medications, and certain medical conditions can cause hepatitis.

Symptoms of liver inflammation

Sometimes symptoms do not appear, but when someone does, they may include yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), vomiting, stomach pain, fatigue, and fever.

Treatment of inflammation of the liver

Medicines called ‘Punarnava’ are considered best for the treatment of swelling. It is a small vine. Which can be obtained everywhere in India except the high mountain places.

→ ‘Punarnava Mandur’. It is prepared from iron ash. An alcoholic medicine prepared from Punarnava is also available, whose name is ‘Punarnavadhari’. This medicine is consumed in the quantity of six spoons twice a day after meals.

Consumption of salt, fried foods and curd should be completely stopped by this patient. In vegetables, horseradish, raw banana, gourd, parwal and bitter gourd are useful for such patients.

due to liver enlargement


This disease occurs due to irregularity and bad eating habits.

There is pain in the right and upper part of the stomach where the liver is located and gradually the size of the liver increases.

treatment for enlarged liver

Bitter tasting vegetables like parwal, bitter gourd, and bitter horseradish pods are useful for liver cirrhosis patients. Goat and cow milk can be given in small quantities. Camel’s milk is very beneficial in this disease.

‘Bhringraj’ or Bhangra is the best medicine for this patient. The juice of this plant can be extracted and used. One teaspoon of this juice should be mixed with half a teaspoon of honey and given to the patient three times a day. Harad, Baheda and Amla (Trifla) are beneficial in this disease. Roast small myrobalan make powder mix it with jaggery and consume it after meals.

→ The herb called ‘Kutki’ is also very beneficial for this disease. The tuber of this plant is used as medicine. This tuber is ground into powder and used. Peel off the banana and mash it well. Mix salt and eat it.

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