sweet voice – How to sweeten your voice Home Remedies: How to make voice sweet and melodious Clear and melodious voice has the most effect in impressing everyone, especially the lover who wants to express his heart to his beloved, if he It will be bad if he talks in voice. I like this. If you want, first of all, to make your voice melodious, listening to which everyone becomes crazy about you, for this, you do not have to do anything, just some tips are given below, follow them, you yourself will start seeing the difference. But it is necessary to do all these tips for 14 to 15 days, otherwise, you will not get the correct result.

Tips on how to make voice sweet and melodious
always keep the throat wet
Keeping your throat always wet means that no matter what the weather is, you have to keep drinking water or any other beverage, these substances will keep your throat always moist, which will keep your vocal cords always moist and your voice will also remain moist. Be cool But cold drinks should not be consumed in these beverages, it is not good for your throat.
chew liquorice
Licorice is a wood that is easily available in the markets, the special thing about this wood is that if you chew it 3 to 4 times a day, and slowly swallow the saliva produced from it, then there is phlegm or bacteria. The throat becomes clear. This makes your voice melodious.

eat lemon and honey
You all know how important lemon is, if you consume lemon and honey in summer, you must have noticed the difference that your throat gets relief, and your throat feels clearer than before. But if you have never tried it, then for this first take a glass of water and add one lemon juice and one spoon of honey and drink it slowly, it will reduce your sore throat. If there is also a cough, it will end and also if your throat hurts, it will also be cured. You can consume it as many times as you want in a day, it will not harm you in any way. But you should consume it at least in the morning, evening and before sleeping.

Chant Om (ॐ) regularly
How to make your voice melodious and melodious, this question must have come in your mind, but if you are a Hindu, then it has been told in Hinduism i.e. Sanatan Dharma that the word Om is better than any other word. Words in the alphabet in Hindu culture. Om (ॐ) is such a word, whose chanting not only brings success, but it is also very effective for your throat. This is because its chanting causes vibrations in the throat and your voice becomes free.
Honey, Ginger and Black Pepper
Take a pinch of black pepper and 2 to 3 drops of ginger in a spoon and don’t swallow it in one go, swallow it slowly, use it for 14 to 20 days and see the difference yourself. Your throat will become melodious.
avoid cold things
How to make voice sweet and melodious Those who want a melodious voice should avoid consuming cold things. Anything inside cold items is dangerous for your throat. Cold dry and cold curd etc. should not be consumed. If you want, you can drink hot water. It will not harm your throat in any way. Apart from this, moisten your throat as well. Sometimes coconut water can be used for this. If you follow all these tips then you will get the answer of your wish that how to make your voice sweet and melodious.
Take a sound nap.
If you work out, you know how important rest days are. If you’re tired, just like a tired body, a tired voice is more likely to lead to injury. If you’re not feeling well, you’re sick, if your allergies are getting worse, or even if you’ve been working on your voice a lot (such as in rehearsal or when you’re preparing for an audition) ), then relax your voice. There is a dire need that you to give him rest.
That means no talking, no singing and definitely no whispering, which is terrible for your larynx. A tired voice needs time to recover, so the longer you let it rest, the better. Vocal rest gives your delicate vocal folds time to recover and heal.
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