Due to high cholesterol levels, our heart health is being seriously affected. This dirty substance deposited in the blood increases heart attack, stroke and heart-related diseases rapidly. Cholesterol level increases due to bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. It is a sticky substance like wax, which accumulates in the blood vessels due to excessive consumption of fat-rich foods. Due to this, blockage occurs in the blood veins and blood flow slows down, due to which the risk of many diseases increases. There are many ways to reduce cholesterol, but before that, you will have to stay away from foods rich in fat. Apart from this, exercise daily so that it can melt and come out.
How to reduce cholesterol-
Honey prevents bad cholesterol from entering the lining of blood vessels. For this, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and a few drops of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of hot water and drink it.
Sulfur is found in garlic. This is a nutrient that controls high cholesterol levels. Grind 6-8 cloves of garlic and boil them in 50 ml milk and 200 ml water.
Turmeric is a spice that reduces the plaque that accumulates on the walls of the arteries and breaks down the cholesterol deposited in the veins. Add turmeric to lukewarm water and drink it.
Fenugreek seeds are loaded with potassium, iron, zinc, calcium and other nutrients, which reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the body. Consume one teaspoon of fenugreek powder with warm water twice a day. Cholesterol is reduced.
Apples are rich in pectin and contain natural antioxidants called flavonoids, which lower high cholesterol levels and keep your lungs and heart healthy. For this, eat an apple daily.
This is such a vegetable, which can also control blood sugar and blood pressure. For this, you can include it in a salad or drink its juice.