Reasons For Chest Pain
Chest pain can occur due to illness as well as other reasons. This can also happen due to lifting heavy objects, chest injury and swallowing large mouthfuls of food.
With basil and parsley
- Boil one teaspoon of carom seeds in 200 grams of water, filter the decoction when 1/4th of the water remains, drink it hot and cover it with a cloth at night. Regular drinking twice a day destroys chest pain in five to seven days. Giving two spoons of this decoction twice a day continuously for a few days also cures ribs.
- Baby gets cold, small children of the age of six months get cold due to cold weather or cold air, if there is pain in the chest or ribs, then boil 10-12 seeds of carom seeds in half a cup of water, when it remains half, put it in a cloth. Filter in Give this decoction of carom seeds warm to the baby twice a day or only at night before sleeping. There will be unexpected profit.
- Boiling five basil leaves and one clove in milk, when the ribs of the children move, stops the rib movement of the children.