मन को कैसे शांत रखें

हर परिस्थिति में कैसे शांत रहें और मन को कैसे शांत रखें, यह सवाल हर किसी को बहुत परेशान करता है। मन को अक्सर एक संकाय के रूप में समझा जाता है जो संवेदना, धारणा, सोच, तर्क, स्मृति, विश्वास और इच्छा में शामिल होता है, और खुद को भावना और प्रेरणा जैसी मानसिक घटनाओं में … Read more

how to maintain figure

how to maintain figure – Do these 5 exercises to maintain figure: Be it a woman or a man, everyone loves their body and they are always worried about how to maintain or maintain their figure, especially this The problem that bothers women more because before marriage they have to maintain their figure so that … Read more

How to make good habits of children

How to make good habits of children: -When children change their habits by considering their parents as standards, then teaching them good habits and implementing them ourselves gets included in the list of our responsibilities. Children always adopt their habits by considering their parents as their standards. We often hear them saying, Papa also does … Read more