Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
पित्त रोग लक्षण
पित्त रोग लक्षण

Here we will learn about Pitta Dosha, its properties, types, nature, symptoms of Pitta disease and their treatment.

gallstone symptoms

What is pitta dosha?

Pitta dosha is made up of two elements ‘fire’ and ‘water’. It controls the hormones and enzymes produced in our body. Things like body heat, body temperature, digestive fire are controlled by Pitta. Pitta being in a balanced state is very important for good health. Bile is mainly found in the stomach and small intestine in the body.

पित्त रोग लक्षण
पित्त रोग लक्षण

Types of bile :

Pitta has been divided into five bhangas on the basis of their residence and different functions in the body.

  • digestive bile
  • gall bladder
  • seeker bile
  • critic bile
  • split bile

Properties of bile:

Smoothness, heat, liquid, acid and bitter are the symptoms of Pitta. Pitta is digestive and heat producing and smells like raw meat. In niram dasha, bile juice is yellow in color with bitter taste. Whereas in Sama Dasha it is sour in taste and blue in colour. The qualities found in any dosha have different effects on the body and from that the characteristics and characteristics of nature are known.

Characteristics of pitta nature:

Some special characteristics are found in people with Pitta nature, on the basis of which they can be easily identified. If we talk about physical characteristics, then medium height body, softness in muscles and bones, clear skin color and presence of moles and warts on it are the symptoms of Pitta nature. Apart from this, graying of hair, darkening of body parts such as nails, eyes, soles of feet and palms are also characteristics of pitta nature.

Reasons for aggravation of Pitta:

The chances of aggravation of pitta are more in the early winter season and in youth. If you belong to Pitta Prakriti, then it is very important for you to know for what reasons Pitta is increasing. Let’s take a look at some of the major reasons.

  • Excess intake of spicy, salty, spicy and pungent foods
  • overworking, always being under mental stress and angry
  • heavy drinking
  • Eating without eating at the right time or without appetite
  • have more sex
  • Excess intake of sesame oil, mustard, curd, buttermilk sour vinegar etc.
  • Excessive consumption of meat of cow, fish, sheep and goat

Remedies to pacify Pitta:

To balance the increased pitta, first of all stay away from those reasons due to which pitta dosha is increased. Apart from dietary and lifestyle changes, some medical procedures can also help in removing pitta.

Virechana :

Virechana (stomach cleansing medicine) is the best remedy to pacify aggravated pitta. In fact, in the beginning, bile remains accumulated in the stomach and duodenum only. These stomach-cleansing medicines reach these organs and expel the bile accumulated there completely.

What to eat to balance Pitta:

By changing your diet, increased pitta can be easily pacified. Let us know which things should be consumed more to avoid the outbreak of bile.

  • Consumption of ghee is most important.
  • Consume cabbage, cucumber, carrot, potato, capsicum and green leafy vegetables.
  • Consume all types of pulses.
  • Consume aloe vera juice, sprouted grains, salads and oatmeal.

What should not be eaten by Pitta Prakriti people:

There are some things to eat and drink which increase pitta dosha. That’s why people with Pitta nature should not consume these things.

  • Avoid eating radish, black pepper and raw tomatoes.
  • Avoid sesame oil, mustard oil.
  • Avoid cashews, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts and unshelled almonds.
  • Avoid orange juice, tomato juice, coffee and alcohol.

gallstone disease symptoms

Flatulence, Pain, Diarrhea, Cramping, Gas, Sour belching, Acidity, Ulcer, Urine burning, Intermittent and frequent urination, Stones, Premature ejaculation, Dream interpretation, Drooling, Low sperm count, Infertility, Blood Gonorrhea, leucorrhoea, blisters in uterus and ovaries, enlargement of scrotum, allergy, itching, rash, cold, any type of headache, premature ejaculation caused by diabetes, weakness, insulin deficiency, jaundice, anemia, piles, white spots, less or more menstruation, etc.

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