Disease types and causes

Disease types and causes

A change in the structure of any organ/appendage of the body or a decrease in its ability to function is called ‘disease’. But defining disease is as difficult as defining ‘health’.

nind sleeping man

Health is complete physical, mental and social well-being; Mere absence of diseases is not called health. Being a victim of any one of these conditions, a person can be considered unhealthy or sick.

The definition of ‘health’ given by the World Health Organization till 1974

type of disease

There are two types of diseases –

1.Those whose origin is from any bacterial bacteria, pathogen, virus, fungus etc., for example Tuberculosis (TB), Typhoid, Tetanus, Malaria, Pneumonia etc. The causes of these diseases are easily detected by tests.

2. Those which are never originated from any bacterium, bacteria, pathogen, virus, fungus etc. For example, acidity, asthma, arthritis, joint pain, cancer, constipation, piles, diabetes, heart disease, hemorrhoids, fistula, anemia, migraine, headache, prostate etc. The causes of these diseases are not known.

being sick

  1. Not consuming food and water according to natural rules.

Due to this mistake, there are 80 types of arthritis in the body, 40 types

Gall diseases and 20 types of cough diseases arise.

  1. Not eating according to routine and season
  2. Contraindicated Diet
  3. Consumption of refined oil, refined salt, sugar and flour etc.
  4. Consumption of adulterated milk, ghee, spices, oil etc.
  5. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides sprinkled on cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables etc. reach the body.
  6. Restraint of natural urges (hunger, thirst, excreta etc.).
  7. Allowing vices (anger, malice, pride) etc. to flourish.

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