stomach pain causes and treatment

Mild abdominal pain occurs due to gas formation, bloating, overeating, diarrhoea, burning sensation in the stomach, etc., which heals itself or can be removed by home remedies. Sometimes sharp abdominal pain suddenly arises and persists, then there may be some medical condition.

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causes of stomach pain

  1. not being able to digest food
  2. complaint of constipation
  3. appendicitis
  4. food poisoning
  5. ulcer or boil
  6. hernia
  7. irritable bowel syndrome
  8. gallstones

treatment of stomach ache

  1. Mixing two spoons of lemon juice, one spoon of ginger juice and a little sugar and drinking it ends all types of stomach pain.
  2. Grind three grams soft leaves of tamarind on a cob and mix one gram rock salt in it and drink it to get rid of stomachache.
  3. Rubbing oil heated with asafoetida, snuff or black salt on the stomach or baking it cures colic. Drinking radish juice mixed with lemon juice ends stomach pain or gas after meals.
  4. Taking one gram of rock salt and two parsley powder, the pain in the stomach immediately ends.

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