heartburn causes and treatment

Many times after eating food, the food is not digested properly, then due to this, there is a feeling of burning sensation in the stomach. Due to indigestion, a person also feels swelling in the stomach, gas, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea and a burning sensation in the stomach. Sometimes eating too much spicy or fried food also causes problems of indigestion.

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heartburn causes and treatment

  1. Roast celery on a griddle and mix equal parts of rock salt in it and make a powder, taking three grams of this powder with warm water ends stomach irritation.
  2. Take 10-10 grams of coriander and cumin grind them to half and add it to 250 ml. Keep it soaked in water at night, filter it in the morning add sugar to it and drink it for four to six days, it calms stomach irritation.
  3. Grind celery and salt and take its funky, it ends burning sensation in the stomach.
  4. Making a syrup of coriander and sugar and drinking it also ends the burning sensation in the stomach.

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