Treatment of mumps

Before knowing the treatment of mumps, know that mumps is a chronic disease of the lymph glands. In this, the glands in the throat enlarge and become garland-like, hence it is called strangulation. In Ayurveda, its description is available in two names ‘Gandamala’ and ‘Apachi’, which can also be called two types or two stages of goitre.

The main objective of mumps treatment is to cure diseases and problems of the throat. Here are treatment methods for some common mumps-related problems:

Use of hot water:

Gargling with hot water and consuming hot water can be beneficial for mumps. Consuming warm water reduces soreness and swelling of the throat compared to cold water.

Cold experiments:

Cold experiments are also beneficial in mumps diseases. Consumption of cold water, cold packs cold presses etc. can help in reducing mumps-related problems.

Vayu Pranayam:

Vayu Pranayam, such as Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari, and Ujjayi Pranayam, can help in reducing throat diseases. These pranayams make for pleasant asanas by loosening the throat muscles and can help reduce swelling of the throat.

Hot therapy:

Hot therapy, such as heat therapy or a hot press, can help cure mumps. Hot press can help reduce the swelling of the throat and may help remove the swelling.


If the problem of mumps is serious then take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, doctors may prescribe antibiotics or antihistamines. Medicines can be prescribed.

By using these remedies you can control mumps-related problems and get more relief. But if the problem is severe or persists for a long time, it is suggested to consult a physician.

Treatment of mumps, know the causes of the disease
Treatment of mumps, know the causes of the disease

Treatment with peepal

Peepal is very beneficial and often a medicine for mumps. Peepal is not the commonly grown Peepal but that Peepal which has grown in a solid wall and whose roots have not reached the ground. Rub the roots of this type of grown Peepal tree on a stone with water and apply it on the glands daily. You will find yourself that you will get relief by doing this treatment in a few days.

Treatment with punarnava

On Sunday morning in the first week of Shukla Paksha, Insir (Punarnava) should be purified by taking a bath etc. and uprooting it from some holy place. The special thing that is worth noting is that while uprooting this plant, keep in mind that the shadow of your body should not fall on it. Dry the herbs thus brought in the shade only. After it dries, grind it finely and keep it safe inside the bottle. By doing this, you have the best medicine for mumps ready.

Give this medicine to the patient suffering from mumps in the quantity of 1-1 gram in the morning and evening with water. The disease will be destroyed within a few days. If the glands are swollen. So, even on swelling of glands, the powder of this herb should be ground with water and applied to that area.

Just by doing this, the glands will disappear from within. If pus or water etc. has started flowing from between the glands, then grind the powder of this herb in water and apply it. In this way, this disease will be cured by this charismatic and unique herb.

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