Cough Fever Treatment

Cough Fever Treatment

  1. By taking Bijor lemon root, dry ginger, Brahmi, and Pipramool – all in equal quantity, making a decoction, adding a little Javakhar and drinking it, cough fever is cured.
  2. Consuming decoction of Sambhalu leaves mixed with black pepper powder cures cough and fever. Taking Jwarankush juice in 1 gram quantity with sugar in the morning and evening helps in eliminating phlegm and bile-dominant typhus.
  3. Consuming decoction made from neem bark, cedarwood, camphor, absinthe, pohkarmool, chhoti peepal, badi peepal and badi Kantakari helps in eliminating phlegm.
  4. Taking Parwal leaves, Neem bark, Amla, Myrobalan, Baheda, Mulhathi and Khireti in equal quantities, grinding them making a decoction and drinking it cures bile and cough fever.
  5. Grinding Karanj seeds with water and applying it on the forehead is very beneficial in cough fever.
  6. Drinking a decoction made from Pippali, Badi Kateri, Shatavari, Kiratikt, Neem bark, Camphor, Shunthi, and Gudchi helps in eliminating phlegm. By taking equal quantities of Nagarmotha, Triphala, Kutki, Phalsa, Indrayava etc., grinding them a little, making a decoction and giving it to the patient, bile fever is cured. Cleaning the flowers and leaves of Adusa in water, grinding them finely, filtering and drinking 20 grams of juice with honey, along with phlegm-pitta fever, blood gall and Kamala disease also ends.
  7. Tribhuvan Kirti Ras 125 mg. Taking Tulsi and bilvapakh paste three times a day ends cough fever. Tribhuvan Kirti Ras 125 mg. Consuming Tulsi and Vilvapatra paste three times a day destroys phlegm.
  8. Kapha Ketu Ras – 5 parts pure Vatsnath, Shankh Bhasma, Pure Tankan, Sotham, Black Pepper and Small Peepal (1 part each) and Vatsanabh mixed in Kharal and mixed with fine powder of Shankh Bhasma, Tankan and Trikut and mixed with ginger for three days. Prepare pills of one gram each. Taking one tablet thrice a day with honey and ginger juice ends phlegm-dominant fever and typhus fever.

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