Kidney stone treatment (Kidney stone home remedies)

(Kidney stone home remedies)Treatment of stone Now sitting at home, know what is the exact treatment for it. This disease occurs due to the increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood of those who eat a lot of rich food. Mild pain in the upper part of the stomach, flatulence, flatulence or sometimes severe pain and nausea are seen. Let’s give

पथरी का उपचार आब घर बैठे जानिए क्या है इसका सटीक इलाज ।
kidney stone

Treatment of stone Now sitting at home, know what is the exact treatment for it.

treatment of gallstones

Consuming grapes is also beneficial for this disease. Fatty, rich, food, milk etc. should not be consumed. Urad, Kulattha, Gram, Sesame and sour things, curd and alcohol are harmful. Therefore, their consumption should be avoided. Consume more vegetables and fruits in the diet. To reduce the amount of cholesterol, consume more garlic and lemon juice.

Consuming beetroot, carrot and cumin juice is an excellent natural remedy for kidney stones. By consuming these juices, not only the stones of the gall bladder but also of the anus melt and come out of the body.

Make a powder by grinding both sour and sweet seeds of pomegranate. By giving one spoon twice a day with gram soup, the stone melts and comes out of the body. Before treatment of gallstones, purgatives (laxatives) should be given to destroy constipation. The stool can also be removed by enema. First of all, medicine should be given for pain relief.

Cholelithiasis 2 mg. Consuming it in quantity with honey in the morning and evening destroys gallstones. To prevent vomiting in gallstone disease, giving one tablet of Arogyavardhini with water stops vomiting. Taking Kankayan Gutika (pill) with milk causes all kinds of pain.

Taking 20 mg of Agasti Sutraj Ras with honey in the morning and evening ends the pain. In case of severe pain, consume half a gram at an interval of one hour.

Grind onion, garlic, mustard, mahua and drumstick bark and apply it on the gall bladder, it cures inflammation and pain. Constipation does not remain by giving milk to the patient three to four tolas of olive oil at night.

Taking Tamra Bhasma with Kumaryasava in the morning and evening and taking 6 grams to 10 grams of Shoth Pashan Bheda ghee is beneficial. Drinking Varun’s bark, dry ginger and decoction of gokhru mixed with jaggery or yaksha destroys gas-related stones.

By making a decoction of bunions, reed leaves, dry ginger and Varun’s bark, the stone gets separated into small pieces and expelled from the urinary tract. Consuming 10 grams of Kushanch ghee destroys gallstones. Taking 6 grams of honey mixed with the powder of Gokhru seeds with sheep’s milk destroys stones in a week.

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