Treatment Of Kidney Inflammation

There is often swelling on the patient’s face. Albumin or even blood is found in the urine of the patient and blood pressure also increases.

Treatment Of Kidney Inflammation

  1. Drinking ripe native mango juice mixed with honey is beneficial in kidney research. If he is suffering from kidney inflammation along with fever, he should be given a medicine called ‘Swarna Basant Malti’.
  2. Ashes of acacia leaves mixed with salt and taken with whey are beneficial in this disease.
  3. In Ayurveda, ‘Punarnava Mandoor’ is considered the best medicine for treatment. Giving one gram of its powder mixed with honey thrice a day provides relief to the patient.
  4. Renal inflammation is destroyed by eating the powder of peepal soaked in the alkali of 10 mashed peels regularly. Taking horseradish root, rock salt, Chitral and peepal together making a decoction and drinking it ends kidney inflammation.
  5. The patient should be given water in large quantities and salt in small quantities. fried and | Sour food and curd should not be consumed at all.

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