Remedy for burning sensation in urine

If there is a burning sensation while urinating then do this panacea remedy. Burning urine is a common disease that occurs mostly in women. If it is due to UTI (urinary system infection), then you should increase the amount of sodium in the body, so that it becomes easier for urine to flow down from the bladder. Second, if it is due to a lack of water, then you should increase the amount of water.
Home remedies for burning sensation in urine: –

Drink coconut water: –

Coconut water is rich in sodium along with electrolytes, which reduce the problem of a burning sensation in urine. Corrects the pH (measure of acid, alkali) of the bladder. In this way, it can reduce the burning sensation in urine.

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Take warm water with jaggery:-

Jaggery also acts as a diuretic. Drinking warm water with jaggery helps in flushing out the bacteria from the bladder. It is helpful in providing fast relief from burning sensation of urine.

Drink lemonade: –

Lemon water increases the amount of water in the body. The vitamin C and antibacterial properties of lemon balance the pH in the bladder.