Know what is eye flu, its symptoms and remedies

Today, in many parts of the country, a problem related to the eyes (Eye Flu) is coming in front of everyone. It is spreading very fast, it is being seen in almost all the states today, this disease is spreading due to contact with the patient. In all the information related to this disease, such as its symptoms, remedies and how it spreads? If you want to know its complete details then read it completely.

आई फ्लू
आई फ्लू

क्या है आई फ्लू ?

आँखों में होने वाले किसी भी प्रकार के रोग या इन्फेक्शन को आई फ्लू कहते है.

Symptoms of eye flu

In eye flu, the person’s eyes first appear red, and water keeps coming out of the eyes. And the adjacent eye gets swollen (appears puffy) and due to these reasons the person cannot see clearly. Exposure to light increases the risk of photosensitivity.

आई फ्लू के लक्षण क्या है ?

आई फ्लू के लक्षण आँखे लाल होना, आँखों से पानी निकलना, आँखे सूजी हुई दिखाई देती है साथ ही आँखों में दर्द भी होता है .

How does this infection spread

The main reason for its spread is when you come in contact with a patient suffering from this disease. This virus is caused by coming in contact with the tears coming out of the eyes. Due to this, its virus enters inside you and you also get infected with this disease and you also become a patient. Along with this virus also spreads through coughing and sneezing.

how to avoid infection

  1. How does this infection spread
  2. wash your hands every now and then
  3. Take care of your eyes and don’t touch your eyes again and again
  4. Take full care of the cleanliness around you
  5. keep washing your eyes
  6. wear dark glasses wherever you go
  7. Do not keep contact with the infected person in any way, stay away from the things used by him.
  8. Do not strain your eyes too much, stay away from TV and mobile as much as possible.

eye pain remedy

  • Wash your eyes gently and with cold water.
  • Eye infection is reduced by washing eyes with rose water.
  • Applying kajal to the eyes also keeps the eyes clean.

in how many days this problem will be fixed

आई फ्लू कितने दिन में ठीक होती है ?

आई फ्लू के ठीक होने में 5 से 10 दिन का समय लग सकता है.

With the right treatment, it may take 5 to 10 days to cure eye flu. It can happen quickly and it can also take some more time.

What not to do in case of infection

  • The first thing to do in case of infection is to see a doctor and take his advice.
  • Take only the medicine given by the doctor.
  • Do not share your useful things with anyone like a towel, handkerchief, brush etc.
  • During this, you should rest at home, going out can make the problem worse.
  • .

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